How to Stay Positive Even on Your Worst Days

How to Stay Positive Even on Your Worst Days

Staraxy Team Feb 10, 2024

Life has its way of throwing curveballs, leaving us feeling lost, overwhelmed, and sometimes, just sad. There are days when the world seems to be against you, when every little thing feels like an uphill battle. On these days, or even weeks or months, it's not just the external challenges that wear us down, but the internal battles that whisper doubts and fears, making it hard to see any light ahead. This article is a reminder that your feelings are valid, and you're not alone in this struggle. There's strength and resilience within you, even when you feel most vulnerable. Together, we'll explore ways to gently lift ourselves from the weight of our worst days. It's okay to have bad days; what's important is how we choose to face them.

Acknowledge Your Feelings

It's okay not to be okay. Before we dive into ways to stay positive, it's crucial to acknowledge that feeling upset, frustrated, or sad is entirely normal and valid. Suppressing your emotions can lead to greater stress and mental health issues down the line. Instead, try expressing your feelings through journaling, talking to someone you trust, or even allowing yourself a good cry. Recognizing and accepting your emotions is the first step toward healing and finding positivity.

In the maze of our minds, feelings can often seem overwhelming and chaotic. Try to write down your thoughts and emotions on paper. It’s as if unpacking a heavy load you’ve been carrying in your mind, item by item, and laying it out before you. Journaling, or simply writing down what you feel, brings a new perspective to your emotional state. It allows you to observe your feelings from a slight distance, reducing their intensity and giving you the space to process them more calmly. This doesn’t mean that your problems magically disappear, but rather, it gives you the clarity needed to approach them with a more focused and peaceful mind. Whether it’s a few sentences or a few pages, the act itself is a powerful tool for emotional clarity.

Moreover, looking back on what you’ve written can be insightful. It helps you track your emotional patterns and growth over time, offering a clearer understanding of what triggers your lows and what boosts your spirits. With this knowledge, you're better equipped to manage your emotional well-being and make positive changes in your life.

Acknowledging your feelings is not a sign of weakness; it's a brave step towards understanding yourself and paving the way for genuine positivity and strength.

Reconnect with Your Values

In the midst of turmoil, it can be easy to lose sight of what truly matters to us. Reconnecting with your core values is not just about identifying what you want to do, but understanding who you want to be in this world. Your values are the compass that can guide you through life's darkest days and help you find your way back to a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

If you're feeling lost or unsure about your purpose or values, engaging in acts of kindness towards others can be a powerful way to rediscover what resonates with you. Helping someone in need, big or small, can reignite a sense of purpose and remind you of the compassion and empathy in your life. Similarly, pursuing a hobby or interest that brings you joy can reconnect you with your passions and the things that make your life meaningful.

Appreciating the artistic work of others can also bring new inspirations to us. Immersing yourself in the creativity of others, whether through art, music, literature, or performance, can bring us new perspectives and open your heart and mind to new ideas. These experiences can awaken an appreciation for creativity, beauty, and the human spirit, and may help reignite your passion and motivation.

Reconnecting with your values is a continuous journey. As you grow and change, so too might your values. Embrace this evolution and allow it to guide you towards a life filled with actions and choices that reflect your true self. By aligning your daily life with your core values, you'll find that even on your worst days, there's a foundation of purpose and meaning to fall back on.

Offer Unconditional Love for Yourself

If you decide on one task every day, let it be to show kindness towards yourself. Taking care of yourself is essential, especially on your worst days. This means actively choosing to avoid negative self-talk or self-criticism, and doing things that nourish your body, mind, and soul.

Become your own best ally and offer yourself unconditional love and support. It means recognizing that you are doing your best with the circumstances at hand and that it's okay to not always meet the high standards you might set for yourself. Celebrate your strengths and achievements, no matter how small they may seem, and understand that growth and progress take time.

Try to integrate self-compassion into your daily routine. This could be through affirmations, taking moments for mindfulness or meditation, or simply pausing to breathe and check in with yourself throughout the day.

Connect with Others

Human connection can provide comfort, support, and uplift our spirits. However, it's common to feel hesitant about reaching out when we're feeling down, fearing that others will notice our sadness or unhappiness. This worry can lead us to isolate ourselves just when we need support the most. If the idea of reaching out feels uncomfortable, there are plenty of activities that allow for connection without the need for deep conversations. These activities can offer the comfort of companionship, reminding you that you're not alone, without putting pressure on you to talk about what you're going through.

Attend a Workshop or Class

Engaging in a shared activity, like a cooking class, art workshop, or fitness group, can provide a sense of community and accomplishment without the need for extensive dialogue.

Nature Walks

Invite a friend or family member for a walk in nature. The beauty of the surroundings can be a comforting backdrop for silent companionship, allowing for moments of conversation when you feel ready.


Volunteering for a cause you care about can be a fulfilling way to connect with others. Working alongside people with similar values offers a sense of belonging and purpose, all while contributing to the well-being of your community.

Attend an Event

Going to a concert, museum, or theater performance with someone can create a shared experience that enriches your bond without requiring constant conversation.

Movie or Game Night

Hosting a movie night or a board game evening is a great way to enjoy the presence of others with minimal pressure to talk. These activities can offer laughter and distraction, helping to lighten your mood.

Practice Gratitude and Meditation

It might seem difficult to find things to be thankful for on your worst days, but daily practice of gratitude can train your mind to shift from negativity to positivity. Start by listing three things you are grateful for each day, no matter how small. This could be as simple as a sunny day, a good cup of coffee, or a kind message from a friend. Gratitude not only helps you appreciate the good in your life but also reduces stress and improves mental health. Over time, this practice can help you develop a more positive outlook on life, even during tough times.

Meditation is also a great tool for cultivating inner peace and mindfulness. It teaches us to sit with our thoughts and feelings without judgment, observing them as they come and go. This practice helps reduce stress, improve concentration, and promote a greater sense of emotional well-being. Start with just a few minutes a day, finding a quiet space where you can sit comfortably and focus on your breath. As you meditate, you'll learn to quiet the mind's chatter, making room for a deeper connection with yourself and an appreciation of the present moment. Meditation apps, such as Staraxy, provide beginner-friendly guided meditations and sleep stories that can help improve well-being.


The path to well-being is both personal and universal. As you continue to navigate through life's ups and downs, be kind to yourself, and offer the same compassion and understanding to yourself that you would to a dear friend. Small steps are still progress, and each effort you make towards positivity and self-care is significant.